Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A boy and his bike - one year later!

I just checked on my blog to see when I posted the first story about my boy and his bike at one of our favourite local parks and it is almost exactly a year ago - April 2011!

Here are some new pictures of my now almost 5 year old on his bike! We have both developed in the past year. Alex can now balance perfectly on his glider bike (it has no pedals and is meant to teach a child balance) and I've heard it said that my photography has also improved?! Just look at that face of concentration as he manoeuvres his bike - just love it!

Alex's Opa (my father) gave this bike to him for Alex's 2nd Birthday. We lost our dear Opa last November, he would be so very proud of his grandson for having mastered this skill! But I know he knows, and that comforts me.

Ssshhhhh, but Alex will be getting a 'big-boy' bike for his Birthday next week and I'm secretly hoping he'll make the transition without the necessity of training wheels - we'll see how that works out! Keep your fingers crossed.

Also, as you will see Alex has lost 2 teeth (already!!), of which he is his very, very proud! (I just adore that jagged new little tooth coming out.)

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